Showcase, Customize & Sell your Spots to NZ Advertisers.


Pixals offers a solution for the rapid demand of high-quality, original content.
Our platform allows creators to sell their spec work to a national audience without the wait of traditional hiring processes.
Empower yourself as a filmmaker and produce the content you want to create. With Pixals, the power is in your hands.

Created by the filmmaker, for the filmmaker.


With Pixals, the process is simple.
As a filmmaker, you can produce your own ideas for spec work, either in branded or non-branded formats.

BRANDED spots are created with a specific brand in mind, and the ad is tailored to incorporate that brand throughout the content.

NON-BRANDED spots offer greater flexibility and appeal to a wider range of potential buyers by keeping the content open-ended and adaptable for use by any brand.




Upload Spots to the Pixals Marketplace for potential buyers to discover.

Determine the value of your work and give advertisers the option to purchase it in perpetuity.

Revision Capabilities informs buyers of the different ways you can adapt your spot to their branding.
This can include pickups/re-shoots, cut-downs, visual effects, RAW or color graded formats, and more.


BUYERS have the option to instantly acquire your active specs at the listed prices or reach out to you for revisions.

REVISIONS can either be included in your initial fee or separate fees can be negotiated for special requests.

REQUESTS are where buyers can post jobs for creatives to submit and pitch their uploaded specs directly to clients.

DIRECT HIRE is an opportunity for you to be hired for reshooting a spec idea, filming a brand new job or being available as a local film team.

PAYMENTS are safely processed through Stripe once an agreement has been reached, allowing you to focus on creating while we handle the payment and invoicing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pixals aims to provide a comprehensive solution for buyers by offering fully-realized ad ideas, complete with talent, music, voice-over, unique locations, etc., instead of just individual stock clips that still need to be assembled. This allows buyers and creators to bypass the early stages of production and proceed directly to revisions with a proven concept and production capability. The creators retain ownership of their uploaded work, have the ability to set their own prices in the marketplace, and can earn higher returns on investments compared to stock footage.

Creators maintain ownership of their content when uploading to the Pixals Marketplace. Only when a buyer agrees to purchase the content, does the ownership transfer to the buyer.

Pixals is committed to providing a platform that supports the creative endeavors of its users. We understand that putting in time, effort, and resources into a project can be risky, and we want to ensure that all of our Creators feel confident in their investment. Our goal is to provide a space for those who have their own ideas and are already out there creating content, whether it be for passion projects or personal goals. With access to the right tools, resources, and support, we believe that our Creators have the potential to achieve great success. We invite you to join us and take that next step in your creative journey.

With Pixals, you have the flexibility to upload an unlimited number of Spots to your profile. However, only 8 of them can be set as "Active" and visible on the Marketplace at a time, as well as on your public profile for potential buyers to view. This allows you to easily showcase new work and keep your portfolio fresh. You can activate or deactivate your videos at any time, giving you full control over what is being presented to buyers.

These requests, known as "Revisions," can be included in the initial price or negotiated separately with clients after the initial agreement.

On the Pixals Marketplace, Creators set their own prices for their content and a commission of 15% is taken from each sale made. This commission includes platform and Stripe fees as well as invoicing. The platform handles all initial payment processing, so Creators don't have to worry about it.

The pricing of your content is entirely up to you as the Creator. We have a "Suggested Rate Guide" available to assist you, but ultimately the market will determine the value of your work. It's important to not undervalue your work, but also not to overprice it. Trust your instincts and remember that Pixals takes a 15% commission on all sales, which is factored into the price you set.

Requests are opportunities for clients to find suitable content for their advertising campaigns. You can respond to these requests and submit relevant spots from your portfolio. Keep in mind that selection is not guaranteed, but responding to requests increases the chance of connecting with the right buyer. Additionally, buyers may select multiple winners for a single request.